☂️ ProfitTaking/StopLoss

To maximize profits, the profit-taking strategies for different AI strategies or following addresses will vary slightly. Before activating a strategy, please first understand the official description of each AI following strategy. Based on the past performance data of that strategy, set a reasonable profit-taking strategy for yourself. Alternatively, backtest the past profitability of the address to see if there are records of high-multiplier positions to choose different profit-taking strategies.

The underlying logic for profit-taking in overall AI following and address following is the same.

If a signal or address has a record of 100x or higher profits, you should choose the second or third bold profit-taking strategy. If the signal or following address mostly yields within 50x, it is best to choose the first profit-taking strategy.

In the world of meme tokens, there is no shortage of 100x or 1000x coins, but many people sell too early at less than 5x or panic sell at the first sign of a drop. Once a profit-taking strategy is established, it is best to follow the trading records and minimize manual intervention.

Possible reasons for the failure of profit-taking triggers:

  1. The buy-sell time is too quick, triggering profit-taking instantly.

  2. The token is in a non-sellable state when the profit-taking is triggered. In such cases, manually sell the token at irregular intervals.

  3. Currently, if profit-taking fails due to on-chain errors, it will attempt up to three retries.

About stop loss

  1. The LogEarn platform currently supports stop loss. Generally, if AI copy, it is recommended that ETH start the stop loss when it drops by 50%, and Base starts the stop loss when it drops by 70%.

  2. Generally, if a Token experiences such a drop after its opening price, there is a high probability that the Token will not fare well later, excluding the accidents of individual special Tokens. Therefore, turning on automatic stop loss at this time can also help us recover 30% of the funds. At the same time, the wallet is automatically cleaned. Otherwise, once the Token completely returns to 0, no point will be recovered.
