🚀 Newcomer Notes

  1. If a followed address consistently incurs losses, acquires many worthless tokens, frequently opens positions, or exhibits suspicious behavior, you should immediately pause or cancel following that address.

  2. Regarding the amount to follow, beginners are advised not to use too much. For BASE, start with $5-$10, and for ETH, start from $30. Until you fully understand or familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the addresses you are following, avoid using large amounts of funds as this can easily lead to substantial losses. Especially for ETH, beginners are recommended to start with BASE and switch to ETH after becoming familiar.

  3. It's essential to manage your wallet daily. Sell tokens promptly if they are no longer valuable, and monitor market conditions to determine if you should sell, especially for BASE where many tokens may not have dropped to their lowest price yet, potentially recovering some funds. However, with ETH, consider whether the proceeds from selling cover the selling gas fee; if not, it's unnecessary to sell. You can also wait for lower gas fees before selling.

  4. Sometimes, you may notice that while the address you're following rapidly enters and exits trades, making substantial gains, your own address only executes buys without corresponding sells. This situation typically occurs when the system receives sell signals before your buy orders complete on-chain. Therefore, the system only processes buy orders and ignores sell orders. Addresses with very short average holding times, generally within 5 minutes, are generally unsuitable for following.

  5. Encountering worthless tokens (貔貅) is normal; refer to the section on understanding and managing worthless tokens.

  6. On the BASE chain, aim to open trades approximately 30-50 times daily. If you fall below this volume, consider following more addresses; if you exceed it, consider reducing some addresses. Making only 7-8 trades daily makes it challenging to profit. Aim for at least 30 trades daily to increase your chances of high multiplier gains. Once familiar, you can transition to ETH.

  7. For the BASE chain, prepare at least 100 trades' worth of capital daily. Calculate your account capital as the amount per trade multiplied by 100, e.g., 0.01 * 100 = 1 ETH. Maintaining a sufficient number of trades and daily wallet management is crucial.

  8. Based on the revenue performance of the addresses you follow, set profit-taking targets wisely to avoid losses. Especially for BASE, where profit-taking strategies should involve higher multipliers—starting from 5-10x initially and increasing to 20-100x—to maximize gains. Consider keeping 5%-20% of your portfolio in high multiplier tokens to aim for 1000x gains. Holding long-term is key to significant profits; most platforms achieving 1000x returns hold positions for over 15 days.

  9. When following high-quality addresses, minimize manual interventions. Frequent manual interventions without adhering to trading discipline often lead to losses. Selling too early or changing addresses frequently due to losses leads to missed opportunities. Losses are normal; aim to achieve 1000x gains with daily trading—a core objective.

  10. If you want to follow an address not listed on the logearn platform, it's straightforward. Simply use the search box in the top navigation bar to find the address you want to follow. The system will provide links to that address on different chains. Click on the corresponding detail page. Although the page may display no data, you can follow the normal process by clicking the follow button in the top right corner.
